About Me

An effective voice for our Voluntary Party

Political Experience

  • Vice President of the National Conservative Convention and member of the Party Board (2023-present)
  • Regional Chairman, South West (2020-present)
  • Regional Training Champion, South East (2017-2019)
  • Area Chairman/Deputy Chairman, Surrey (2014-2019)
  • Association Chairman/Deputy Chairman, Reigate & Banstead (2012-2019)
  • Party Membership Committee (2018-2021)
  • Party Finance & Audit Committee and Investment Committee (2021-present)
  • Trustee, Conservative Agents’ Superannuation Fund (2023-present) 
  • Borough Councillor, Reigate & Banstead (2000-2019) – various senior roles held

My Record

  • Led a General Election Fighting Fund which not only covered our own campaign costs, but raised a further £30,000, donated to 12 target seats.
  • Co-ordinated campaign support from a safe seat to nearby target seats, at every General Election between 2005 and 2017, contributing to the gaining of Guildford and Sutton & Cheam.
  • Persuaded all Associations in the Area of which I was Chairman to donate towards a target seat fund.
  • Ran region wide training courses as a Regional Training Co-ordinator.
  • Ran a fully virtual South West Region Conference during COVID, and then successfully reverted to a physical format, with nearly 250 attendees, raising over £10,000.
  • Grew the South West “Big Clean” litter picking event, generating positive coverage for our MPs, PCCs, councillors and candidates across the region.

My Background

I grew up on a family farm in Cornwall, went to secondary school in Devon, and then studied at Oxford.

After university I moved to Surrey, where I worked and qualified as an actuary, alongside being a Borough Councillor for 19 years.  Whilst on the Council I held cabinet roles for voluntary sector relations, refuse and recycling, and the Council’s internal services.  I was also Deputy Leader of the Council for a time, Conservative Group Leader and in my final year, Deputy Mayor.

I subsequently moved to Bristol for work, where I am now Chief Actuary and a director of a mutual insurance company.

I live near the harbourisde in Bristol with my partner and two Boston terriers, Gwen and Rufus.  In any spare time beyond politics I enjoy reading, watching sport, real ales and running for charity.

Julian has smashed it out of the park

Following Peter Booth as regional chairman in the South West was always going to be a tough act to follow. But Julian has smashed it out the park and dare I say built on successes to grow the region. The South West Regional conference is a show case regional conference. Speak to anyone in the […]

He leads by example

Julian has a strong track record of campaigning and organisation, spanning two different regions. He leads by example, travelling across the south West and beyond to campaign week in, week out. With this grounding in the voluntary party he will be a strong advocate of our interests at the Board.

A great campaigner as well as brilliant organiser

I have worked alongside Julian for many years and have seen first hand what a great campaigner as well as brilliant organiser and fund raiser he is. Julian has a deep understanding of all aspects of the voluntary party and I have no hesitation in supporting him to be a Vice President where I know […]

Julian Ellacott

An effective voice for our Voluntary Party.

© 2023 Julian Ellacott